Playing in the Swing

Playing in the Swing

Having Fun Jumping!

Having Fun Jumping!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Manny's a star!!

Manny became the #1 Mississippi State University star and Gulf Coast celebrity Monday night!! We went to a dinner, the Road Dawgs Tour, to meet the new MSU football coach this past Monday night. Manny was a hit! Coach Mullen played with him and signed his baby cowbell. Our little man was an instant hit! He made the 10 p.m WLOX news and the front page center of the Sports section of Tuesday morning's Sun Herald news paper! If you would like to see the news clip, go to and click on Monday night, May 11th, sports. I am attaching the newspaper pics! Who knows? Maybe he's an up and coming MSU quarter back!! Coach Mullen thought he had a pretty good arm when Manny threw his pacifier at his head!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

16 months old!

Well, since our last post, Manny has turned 1, begun walking, running, climbing, talking, has 11 teeth and counting, and moved into a big boy bed! I would say that I was sorry for not updating in several months, but as you can imagine, all these wonderful first have made a very busy Mommy and Daddy!!

Manny Brooks is turning into our little boy not our little baby! Its amazing how much he has grown up in the past few weeks. He has the best personality. Smiles and talks to anyone; he doesn't always speak in English, but he talks...a lot! His favorite words are uh-oh, he uses that a lot!, and bup-pup, that's his pup-pup. He has Ma Ma and Daddy mastered. Mostly uses his sweet Ma Ma voice when he needs something or is sleepy and calls for his Daddy when he wants to play and get in trouble!! He definitely has us figured out! He climbs on EVERYTHING and opens anything that can be opened. There is not enough child-proofing to Manny proof our house! Last night he came to Mommy's youth group with his Daddy and managed to color his face, legs, and arms with a green marker!

In December he started at a new daycare, and we all love it. We had no idea they could teach a one year old so much, but he learns something new everyday!

We love you all and wish you could share in each new thing with us. We really will do a better job of updating this page so you can keep our sweet Manny!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

9 months old!

We can't believe Manny will be 9 months old tomorrow! He is getting so big. He crawls everywhere, talks to everyone in his own little language, opens every drawer and cabinet, and pulls up on EVERYTHING! There has never been a more fun or happy baby. We had to take him to the doctor for a cold last week and he weighed 20.4 lbs. Not sure how long he is now, but he will go for his 9 month check up on Thursday so I'll update then.
Check out some of the new pictures we took this weekend. It's hard to get him to be still long enough to take a picture; so, enjoy! They are few and far between these days!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Learning to Walk!!

Manny is working hard on learning to walk!! He really doesn't get anywhere except flat on his face, but he gets an A for effort!! He has mastered standing for about 10 seconds. We'll get there eventually. Here is a video where we tried to capture his amazing standing abilities; enjoy!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Manny's big summer!

Sorry it has been so long since we updated. Manny has been a very busy boy this summer! He's getting so big and SO fun. On July 25th he will be 8 months old!! Such a big boy. We went to the doctor last week; he weighed 21 lbs. and was 29" long. He just knows that he can walk. It seems to make him very mad that he can't! He will be running all over before we know it. Da Da, night night, uh oh, and every once in while, Ma Ma are very big phrases around the house these days. Manny carries on all kinds of converations with Franny and his pacifier, but those are in a language we have yet to learn! His words and sounds are becoming so fun to him now that he has some teeth. His middle bottom two are in now and one of top middle has just broken the skin. He has been quite a trooper through all of his teething.

Manny has loved swimming this summer. He goes under and splashes like a big boy! We took him swimming this afternoon. Now he is sacked out on the couch beside me! Above and below are some pictures and a video of our afternoon swim. All of the new pictures on his page are from this summer since June. We'll try to do a better job keeping everything up to date!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Little Beach Boy

Monday was such a beautiful evening, we decided to take Manny for a walk to enjoy the beach and sunset. He had a blast playing with the sand on his feet. He even thought it was funny when he fell and rolled off his blanket into the sand! These are a few pictures that we took.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Big trip to SC!

Manny took his first big trip to SC this week with his mommy and Granny to visit his Great Mamaw and Papaw Brown, his Aunts and Uncles, his many, very fun cousins, his "Aunt Honi" in Atlanta, a few new people in Tuscaloosa, AL! After a 15 hour trip, a flat tire, and a LONG wait at the tire shop in Tuscaloosa's Walmart, we finally made it! Now it is without a doubt official...Manny is the best baby ever to be put on this earth. He laughed and played the whole trip through. Even after the LONGEST DAY EVER in the car on Wednesday, he was still laughing when we arrived at his Mamaw and Papaw Brown's. He definately was in a better mood than his mommy! We had a blast visiting and shopping. Thursday night he got his first real taste of his crazy family and a little bit of pound cake thanks to his big cousin Pike! It was an unforgettable trip that will get its own page in the baby book!!!! He is enjoying the rest of the weekend with his Nana B. and Papaw, Jeremy's parents. He will have all kinds of stories to share in the nursery at daycare on Monday! Check out the new slide show to see all of the pictures from the trip.